Category Archives: author: james patterson

REVIEW: Maximum Ride – The Final Warning

Title: Maximum Ride – the Final Warning
Author: James Patterson
Finished: October 22, 2011
Pages: 256
Published: 2008
Format: hardback

In the latest Maximum Ride adventure, Max and her flock find themselves fighting for their lives more than ever before. Just as Max is getting to the truth of her family, finds out she has a brother, the world continues to spin upside down.

I’m not sure how much I’m really enjoying this series but I’m planning on continuing because I love James Patterson. I hope that the next round of books in the series are enjoyable.

*challenges: countdown challenge, fall into reading, 11 in 11 reading challenge, 100+ reading challenge, tbr stack, off the shelf, series 5 challenge

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Filed under author: james patterson, Young Adult

James Patterson II Challenge – COMPLETE

September 1, 2010 – August 31, 2011
Yvonne at Socrates’ Book Reviews hosted the James Patterson Reading Challenge again. I’m looking forward to the next round since I still have so much left to read and catch up. Loved this challenge. I could keep reading Patterson forever!
  1. I, Alex Cross – finished 11.8.10
  2. Cross Fire – finished 3.14.11
  3. Maximum Ride: School’s Out Forever – finished 8.5.11
  4. Maximum Ride: Saving the World – finished 8.31.11
  5. Worst Case – finished 3. 12.11
  6. 10th Anniversary – finished May 4, 2011
  7. Midnight Club – finished August 20, 2011
  8. The Postcard Killers – finished 3.24.11
  9. Don’t Blink – finished 4.8.11
  10. Toys (releases 3.14.10) – finished 6.7.11

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Filed under author: james patterson, challenges

REVIEW: Maximum Ride – Saving the World

Title: Maximum Ride – Saving the World
Author: James Patterson
Finished: August 31, 2011
Pages: 407
Published: 2007
Format: paperback

The third book of the Maximum Ride series, just when you think you’re getting closer to the end of the series, the kids begin facing new challenges in their travels.

When they find out that they are going to be “extinct” if they are captured by the school, their mission becomes even more important. They want to continue living but they know there is more and the world is now in danger, not just them.

The stories are getting better. Can’t wait to start the next book.

*challenges: countdown, off the shelf, 100+ reading challenge, series 5 challenge, 11 in 11 reading challenge 

Other Reviews: Lost in Books

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Filed under author: james patterson, Young Adult

REVIEW: Midnight Club

Title: Midnight Club
Author: James Patterson
Finished: August 20, 2011
Pages: 296
Published: 1989
Format: hardback

This was a great mystery from Patterson’s early days. I loved the detail he put into this intricate thriller about a secret club where the leaders are well renowned and hard to prove.

I think the suspense and twists of this particular story are not something we find very often in Patterson’s stories. I kept guessing what may happen next but that’s what made it such a great story.

When a detective, crippled by a killer years ago, finds himself fighting against the same man who killed his wife and left him helpless, he begins the journey once again to fight for his own life as well as those around him. The only one allowed to take down organized crime, is the cops – not other members of organized crime.

*challenges: tbr stack, james patterson challenge, off the shelf, 100+ challenge, 11 in 11 reading challenge 

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Filed under author: james patterson, Fiction

REVIEW: Maximum Ride – School’s Out Forever

Title: Maximum Ride – School’s Out Forever
Author: James Patterson
Finished: August 5, 2011
Pages: 409
Published: 2006
Format: First Edition

The second book of the Maximum Ride series, these ones are quite fun even though they’re young adult books.

The kids have finally escaped the school and are searching for answers on their lives, their past, their parents, all the while trying to stay safe from harm. It seems everywhere they turn, danger is upon them.

It will be interesting to see where the future books go and if they can ever live without fear of being killed or tested upon again.

*challenges: james patterson challenge, countdown challenge, off the shelf challenge, 100+ reading challenge, series 5 challenge, 11 in 11 reading challenge, monthly mixup

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Filed under author: james patterson, Young Adult