#readathon Update 1


The 2015 Spring Read-a-Thon is in full swing and I am already feeling quite productive! I’ve finished two books, read over 200 pages, drank many cups of tea and I had to run a quick errand and picked up some snacks for later from Trader Joe’s.

Now I’m gearing up two start a couple new books on Shakespeare, and I have relocated, hopefully for most of the afternoon, to the backyard in the sunshine.

It’s just over 50 in Boise today, with some slight wind. I’m bundled up but the vitamin D is going to be amazing.

I haven’t really done any new challenges, but the cheerleaders have been AMAZING this year!

Now, with the Beach Boys on in the background, a new cup of tea, and some muffins, I’m ready to dive into the next hour!


Happy reading all!



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6 responses to “#readathon Update 1

  1. I love your mug!!! So cute…. sounds like you are having a spectacular reading experience so far. Keep plugging away and HAPPY READING!!!

  2. CaroG

    I agree with Leann, that mug is adorable. Hope you are having a blast. #TeamMrPopper

  3. Kay

    What a cute cup! Love it! I’m here from Texas to give you a cheer! Hope you are doing well with your reading. Enjoy the rest of the day and Go Team Popper!

  4. I’m going to echo my cheer-mates and agree that the mug truly is adorable :) Happy readathoning! I hope you got some sun in, despite what sounds like cold temperatures (the conversion confuses me sometimes… I’m in Canada!)

  5. yum, muffins! Hope all is going well!

    Reading is fun,
    but better amongst friends,
    Let’s keep reading,
    Until Readathon’s end!


  6. Grab a snack, dance a jig, it’s Hour 18! You can do it! I know this hour gets difficult (for me, at least). Hope you’re having a great time with your books! #TeamPopper

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