Monthly Archives: July 2010

WWW Wednesday


Hosted by Should be Reading

You tell us the answers to 3 questions:

What are you currently reading? Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh, Lost Light by Michael Connelly, and The Girlfriend’s Guide to Understanding Men by Bo Sebastian

What did you recently finish? City of Bones by Michael Connelly

What do you think you’ll read next? 7th Heaven by James Patterson, Heart Mender by Andy Andrews, 8th Confession by James Patterson, Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling, and 9th Judgment by James Patterson

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REVIEW: City of Bones

Title: City of Bones
Author: Michael Connelly
Finished: July 25, 2010
Pages: 393
Published: 2002
Format: first edition

The next book in the Harry Bosch series begins in the holidays, the loneliest time of the year, and Harry finds himself on a call checking out a bone a dog brought down from the forest. Lucky for Harry, the dog’s owner is a former doctor who adamantly claims the bone belongs to a young boy

As the search continues, Harry and his team discover the skeleton of a pre-teen boy and some of his belongings, slowly drawing the conclusion through evidence and phone tips that the murder occurred some 20 years ago, making it nearly impossible to fully track what happened.

In the midst of solving his holiday murder, Harry finds himself under the watchful eye of the chief of police and his superiors, worried about what  the future really holds and how long his job will be offered to him.

I really enjoyed this adventure with Harry. It brought even more to light on his character, what he was willing to risk to solve a case, and what he is willing to sacrifice and give up in the end. I’ve already halfway through the next book and very eager to find out what they all have in store.

*challenges: 345 reading challenge, ryob challenge, 100+ challenge, book awards iv challenge, july 12×12 challenge, tbr list

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Filed under author: michael connelly, Fiction

It’s Monday. What are you reading?

Bookjourney over at One Persons Journey through a world of books is now hosting this event.

I got a little more reading accomplished this week and finished a couple books. I have a road trip and family reunion coming up this weekend so I anticipate getting some good reading done in the sun and driving.

Read Last Week

  1. Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
  2. City of Bones by Michael Connelly

Reading This Week

  1. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
  2. Lost Light by Michael Connelly
  3. 7th Heaven by James Patterson
  4. 8th Confession by James Patterson
  5. Extras by Scott Westerfeld

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Filed under This Week

REVIEW: Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince

Title: Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
Author: J.K. Rowling
Finished: July 24, 2010
Pages: 652
Published: 2005
Format: audiobook

The next to the last book in the Harry Potter series holds many surprises and is definitely leading up to the final book.

Harry and friends find themselves entering their next to last year at Hogwarts, receiving their O.W.L.’s and reading adulthood, but not without consequence. Upon arriving at school, it is announced that Snape has been given the job of teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, which only adds to further misery. Harry begins secret lessons with Dumbledore, where he soon begins to learn about the past of Voldemort in hopes of finally bringing him to his final death.

All the while, Harry comes across a potions book whose former owner took the liberty of making his own alterations to the current recipes, giving everyone the impression that Harry became a potion genius over the summer. But finding (and testing) these potions only causes him more pain.

The shocking ending to this book had me wondering what would be in store for the final chapter of the series and what Rowling will be doing with the characters, especially Harry and how he is to proceed.

*challenges: monthly mixer mele, series IV challenge, 1010 category challenge, ya challenge, support your local library challenge, 100+ challenge, books to movies challenge, book blogger recommendation challenge, july 12×12 reading challenge

Other Reviews: reading with tequila

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Filed under adapted to film, author: jk rowling, Young Adult

REVIEW: The Anah’jari File

Title: The Anah’jari File
Author: Douglas Armentrout
Finished: July 17, 2010
Pages: 350
Published: 2010
Format: first edition

I am extremely proud of this book as it is the first published novel of my step-father who inspires me every day to continue writing, especially when you see the end result.

This book was a great piece of work that stays true to current events, past and present, without forcing it. Dak Newman is a writer who spends a good amount of his time in the Idaho wilderness working on his next book. When tragedy strikes Braxton Oil Company, and the keynote speaker for a major convention is murdered, Dak is called upon to return to the city and fill in.

What starts off as a seemingly innocent trip soon turns into a mystery as Dak finds an unlikely resource and begins to piece together the crazy connections between Braxton Oil, an unknown gas that has killed hundreds, and murder.

It took me awhile to get into the story, but once I focused on what I was reading and the clues started falling into place, I found myself on a crazy journey along with Dak to find out the truth about what happened and the fear spreading through the country that a terrorist might be at work.

I absolutely loved the ending and look forward to what Doug has in store next for the book world.

*challenges: countdown challenge, 1010 category challenge, ryob challenge, 100+ challenge, 2nds challenge, pub challenge, july 12×12 challenge

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