Category Archives: Fiction

EARLY REVIEW: The Love Deception

Title: The Love Deception
Author: Jennifer St. George
Finished: June 27, 2013
Published: 2013

This story hooked me from the first page, bringing the reader in to the drama from step one. Felicity Carter is a character you can instantly like by her determination and intuition. From the second we meet her, we know that she can be trusted but also has an adventure in store.

When she wakes up in a mysterious bed, in an unknown house with someone she’s never met before, her life takes the most interesting turn she’s ever had. When she comes face to face with her stranger again only days later, she is hit with another curve ball and force to constantly prove who she is and what she stands for. She’s a lawyer, not someone who wakes up with no memory in a strangers bed.

With so many misconceptions in front of them, Felicity doesn’t think anything will ever heal the initial drama that surrounded her budding relationship. All she can do is be her true self and prove there is more than that first impression to who she is.

I really enjoyed this book. It was a pretty quick read and fun to see the characters find each other and figure out their mistakes and fix them.


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REVIEW: Complete Me

complete meTitle: Complete Me
Author: J. Kenner
Finished: June 25, 2013
Pages: 320
Published: 2013

Complete Me is the third book of Kenner’s Stark trilogy. I had been eying this series for quite some time after seeing it pop up as a recommendation. When I was presented with the opportunity to read this final book prior to its release, I jumped at the chance and tracked down the first two books for a quick read through to catch up.

Ever since Fifty Shades of Grey popped on the scene, more authors are getting the spotlight and I have to agree that Kenner does a fabulous job with this series.

Nikki Fairchild has escaped her past in search of a new start, but we all know that’s never how it goes. Only days into her adventure, she finds herself face to face with Damien Stark, a man she has fantasized about for years. It is anything but a warm and romantic reunion. If she had to guess, Nikki would think that Stark had no recollection of their prior meeting.

The first two books focus more on Nikki’s past and the growing relationship between her and Stark. As we enter the final book, gears shift and the reader is now finding out more about Stark and the thrilling conclusion to the cliffhanger of book three. Not only is the fate of Damien Stark up in the air, but so is the future of the couple that has captured hearts through their healing.

Nikki is slowly unraveling the truth behind who the man she loves is, and with each page, a layer is revealed and Damien Stark is revealed to us – “stark naked” and vulnerable. As the couple realizes how alike they really are, and how much they have grown, it is clear that nothing can truly tear them apart.

This was definitely a series worth reading. It is it’s own original series, with twists and turns, that keep you wanting and waiting for more. Even as I turned the last page, I wondered what the future had in store for this couple.


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REVIEW: The Crossfire Series


Author: Sylvia Day

Book 1: Bared to You
Finished: August 28, 2012
Published: 2012

Book 2: Reflected in You
Finished: October 25, 2012
Published: 2012

Book 3: Entwined With You
Finished: June 1, 2013
Published 2013

This has turned into one of my favorite series and now that it seems like we’re on the home stretch (one more book?) I am very curious to see how it all ends up.

Bared to You begins the journey and relationship between Gideon and Eva and what good relationship doesn’t come with it’s share of conflicts? From the moment she laid eyes on him, Eva was hooked. It didn’t take long for either of them to realize that they would not be able to live without each other, regardless of their tortured pasts or the people around them. The early stages of their relationship are dark, dangerous and very much full of secrets. As Eva and Gideon try to develop a relationship without their sordid pasts breaking them, they soon find that maybe it’s their pasts that will bring them closer together and unite them in a stronger bond than ever imagined.

The second book, Reflected In You, continues where book two left off, right in the middle of all the drama, conflict and secret sharing. We are finding more and more out about the characters pasts. While Eva wants to know more about what has caused Gideon’s pain, to learn all his secrets and more, she finds that hers are not as well hidden and in the past as she hoped. This book had more reveals and details shared than the first book as the relationship continues to develop and we see more of Gideon’s dilema and struggle to keep the woman he loves safe and harm free no matter what.

The most recent book, Entwined With You, might be my favorite so far in the series and of course the most fresh in my mind. After the cliff hanger of book 2, I was anxious to read the latest and find out what truly happened. I hope one day the drama and conflict in Eva and Gideon’s lives dissipates so they can find true happiness instead of wondering when the next shoe will drop. After three books, it seems true happiness is around the corner – at least for Eva. I would say this book is the most revealing, full of truth telling and soul baring events. It was also the most fun to read because I had just been at BEA 2013 where I met Sylvia Day, got an early signed copy, and spent the whole entire cross country flights home reading the book cover to cover.

Overall, so far, I think I am enjoying these books more that the Fifty Shades of Grey series. While still intense, I don’t feel they are overdone or forced. The relationship seems more real, but still a fairytale, and I can’t wait for book 4 whenever it shall be released (which at this point is still undetermined).

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Filed under Fiction

Catching Up on Reviews

I haven’t been sharing reviews much on here, not because I don’t enjoy and want to “share” but I feel like 2013 I am speeding through books and hate taking the time to sit and actually write about books when I just want to pick up another one and read more.

I started another blog/website that I thought may replace this one, but decided I wanted to keep them separate but link to each other. I’m sure I will end up sharing monumental reads, and more, over there as well, but wanted to try and slowly catch up on reviews over the past who-knows-how-long.

Now … onto the first five books read in 2013!

1. The Witch Tree Symbol by Carolyn Keene
finished January 2, 2013

Another fun Nancy Drew mystery. I’ve been trying to play catch up from childhood and read the original 50+ series. It’s a nice way to start off the year since it’s such a quick read.

2. Notorious Nineteen by Janet Evanovich
finished January 6, 2013

In the latest Stephanie Plum, Stephanie finds herself with the possibly the biggest bond in her hands and a lot of danger to follow. That doesn’t seem like anything new with Stephanie, and it doesn’t help that she’s still confused and wavering between the two men in her life. This time Stephanie finds herself fearing this may be the one bond that she won’t recover from.
It was a fun quick read. So glad I’m all caught up and can enjoy them as they come.

3. Love Works by Joel Manby
finished January 6, 2013

This was a recommended book for a gal at work and I thought it was amazing. While it’s primarily a book for organizations and managers, it ties directly into 1 Corinthians – Chapter 13 (the love chapter). Manby discusses how the seven timeless principles from the Bible create effective leaders and makes an organization better.
His seven principles are: patient, kind, trusting, unselfish, truthful, forgiving, dedicated.
I highly recommend this book. It’s a quick read and very informative.

4. Wallbanger by Alice Clayton
finished January 8, 2013

This was another recommendation from our little group of girls who needs a quick, funny, naughty read every now and again.
It’s a fast and hilarious read about a girl who’s new neighbor keeps her up at all hours of the night with his bedroom shenanigans. When they come to realize that they have more in common than just the wall between their bedrooms, they call a truce and become friends. I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination.
If you only read this book for the sidekick and feline friend of the main character, it’s worth it. He is hilarious but I’m not really jealous that my cats are more docile.

5. Phantoms on the Bookshelves by Jacques Bonnet
finished January 9, 2013

This was a fun Christmas present, plucked off my Amazon wishlist and completely judged by the cover (and the title had BOOK in it). I couldn’t resist.
This quick little book – which every book lover must read – is really just a book about books and bookshelves and great and fun research tidbits following the authors obsession with books. There is a very distinct possibility this could be me someday, if not now.
After reading this, I’m sure I can safely call myself a “bibliomaniac” – collectors and manic readers. Check and check.

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Filed under author: carolyn keene, author: janet evanovich, Children, Fiction, Non-Fiction

REVIEW: Wicked Appetite



Title: Wicked Appetite
Author: Janet Evanovich
Finished: May 4, 2013
Pages: 313
Published: 2010

Aside from a little snippet of Diesel in a Stephanie Plum book, this full blown adventure and true introduction was so much fun. It was great reading a new series from Evanovich that had the same comedy but different characters and attitude. I loved the relationship between Lizzy and her new “bodyguard” Diesel.

When Lizzy is approached by a mystery man who claims she has special powers and has the ability to find magical objects, she tries her best to ignore him, until danger strikes and she sees no other choice but to fake it and hope that her new house guest will disappear as soon as she helps. It doesn’t take long for Lizzy to realize there is more to the story and she is deep in a mystery that won’t be solved anytime soon.

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Filed under author: janet evanovich, Fiction