Water for Elephants

Title: Water for Elephants
Author: Sara Gruen
Finished: October 30
Pages: 335
Publisher: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill
Publish Year: 2006
ISBN: 1565124995

What led you to pick up this book? There has been a lot of hype it seems and a lot of people talking about it. I figured it was about time to pick it up. Plus the title is extra intriguing.

Plot summary: Jacob, on his track to becoming a veterinarian and join his father’s practice, when tragedy strikes his family, leaving him alone to pick up the pieces. In a moment of panic, Jacob runs away and ends up joining the circus as the vet, falling in love with a performer and the animals. But, behind the scenes is nothing like he expected and  soon Jacob is in the midst of chaos, trying to figure out what he really wants and what he should do, though fearful of the consequences.

What did you like most about the book? I thought it was amazing, pretty much everything. The description and storyline go hand in hand and not once was I unsure of what I was shown. Even the most graphic scenes were done tastefully and careful, unoffensive.

What did you think of the ending? Perfect ending. Not too rushed or forced. Even from the beginning you could see where the story was going and that there would be no real mystery of secret but just this dramatic piece of work that leads you through a poignant time in one mans life.

Do you recommend this book? If you use a rating system, what’s your rating? I’d give it 5 stars and recommend it to anyone. Easy read as well.



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Jules’ Book Reviews


Filed under Fiction

7 responses to “Water for Elephants

  1. Pingback: The Countdown Challenge « reading comes from writing

  2. I absolutely loved this book. Glad you enjoyed it too.

  3. I loved this book too! It’s going to make it into my top 10 (maybe even top 5!) books for 2008. I’m going to have a quick look round your blog and see if I can find some more good books to read!

  4. Pingback: Book Awards II « reading comes from writing

  5. Pingback: 2009 Countdown Challenge – COMPLETE « reading comes from writing

  6. Pingback: Review: Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

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